A Scanner Darkly trailer (a new one).
I can't think of any mo
vie I'm more excited about seeing right now, A Scanner Darkly even trumps The Departed for the most anticipated feature film of 2006. Take an acclaimed writer (Philip K. Dick), throw in an indie darling director (Richard Linklater, now out of his 'let's make kid's movies' phase), and a cast so well-picked it hurts (Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr, Woody Harrelson and the lovely Winona Ryder) and you've just about got the measure of A Scanner Darkly. Not only is it utilising a band of actors who have all flirted with narcotics in their time, it streamlines Linklater's dandy rotoscoping (introduced in his 2001 movie Waking Life) and has a dystopian message to top it off. Everything Scanner related so far has been liquid -the only bum note I could really finger is Radiohead declining the chance to do the soundtrack- and the new trailer's no exception. Watch it here. This movie deserves to be huge, Sin City huge, a mainstream movie pushing the envelope so far it falls through the door. It opens in July. Go watch it.