Lynch returns!
David Lynch is one of the only true visionaries we have left. So let's savour him. Having last pulled the wool over our eyes in the devastatingly well-made Mulholland Drive (it's certainly the best fim of the 21st Century), it seems he's finally returning to the fold with INLAND EMPIRE due next year. Predictably it's all very hush-hush, unless he's blabbering about it on his pay-to-enter website, but you can check out a few choice pictures from the set here which tell us nothing but look very nice. This flick's bound to be a doozy with Lynch whatever happens -they're not even shooting with a script- and brings Lynch regulars Laurs Dern (finally venturing out of the 'Where are they now?' closet), Harry Dean Stanton, Justin Theroux as well as Jeremy Irons. Look out for it.
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